By following careful procedures and initiating regular performance reviews, we aim to provide sound guidance to restaurant consumers everywhere on the edibility and relative deliciousness of their dining options. The table below constitutes a basic framework for understanding our restaurant ratings.
Edible GradeAAAHighest culinary quality. 'AAA' ratings denote the lowest expectation of bad dining experience risk. They are assigned only in case of exceptionally strong capacity for supply of delicious food. This capacity is highly unlikely to be adversely affected by foreseeable events.
AAVery high culinary quality. 'AA' ratings denote expectations of very low bad dining experience risk. They indicate very strong capacity for supply of tasty morsels. This capacity is not significantly vulnerable to foreseeable events.
AHigh culinary quality. 'A' ratings denote expectations of low bad dining experience risk. The likelihood of quality eating is considered strong. This capacity may, nevertheless, be more vulnerable to changes in circumstances or in variable culinary conditions than is the case for higher ratings.
BBBGood culinary quality. 'BBB' ratings indicate that there are currently expectations of low bad dining experience risk. The capacity for good eating is considered adequate but adverse changes in circumstances and volatile culinary conditions are more likely to impair this capacity. This is the lowest edible grade category.
Speculative Grade (aka Junk-Food Grade)BBSpeculative. 'BB' ratings indicate that there is a possibility of bad dining developing, particularly as the result of poor cooking skill; alternatives may be available that allow for better dining at a similar price. Restaurants rated in this category are not edible grade.
BHighly speculative.
'B' ratings indicate that significant bad-taste risk is present, but a limited margin of safety remains. Some adequate dining experiences are possible; however, capacity for consistently good food is contingent upon a sustained, favorable push to improve the menu.
CCCTerribleness is a real possibility. Capacity for good dining is solely reliant upon sustained, favorable improvement in menu offerings and replacement of top chefs.
CCVomitus of some kind appears probable.
CVomitus is imminent.
RDIndicates an entity that has made some but not all of its patrons sick by serving tainted meat and has defaulted on most of its taste.
DIndicates a restaurant that has defaulted on all taste.